Holistic Care in Rayavarum Village, India | Global Impact
“The families have developed their own businesses from making brooms, tailoring and snack shops. They are proud of the lives they have built for their families and the businesses they are able to call their own.”
Global Impact | Pastor 'D'
They said you knew that he is already die, why you want to pray for him, are you crazy?
5 Delightful One Life Stories | South Africa
...He no longer needs to be on our program. He would never have realized his dream of college without One Life investing in his life and encouraging him pursue his dreams.
Kids raid the piggy bank = homes are built in Nicaragua.
One of the hallmarks of a Westside student missions trip is that students don’t just show up and hang out but they have an opportunity to lead. This leadership opportunity led several students to explore how they can use their S.H.A.P.E. to impact others. Some students also expressed a desire to pursue further education and vocational options in international missions.
One Life in the Jungle and more Global Impact Updates
The letters our children receive from you are gifts—for many of our One Life kids, your letters are their connection to a family they don’t have at home.
1st Love extending around the world.
Recently we were able to extend part of the Westside body across the globe and share this perspective with people interested in establishing faith communities in Kallur, India.