WFC Lenexa:
8:15a 9:30a 11a
Kids • all services
Students • 9:30a 11a
WFC Speedway:
9:30a 11a
Kids • all services
Middle School • 9:30a
WFC Online:
8:15a 9:30a 11a
On-Demand following gathering times
Westside Family Church is all about loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus and sharing Jesus. The doors are wide open to people from all walks of life and spiritual backgrounds. We gather to discover our calling—scatter to live it out. Westside offers multiple locations which share a single pursuit to impact Kansas City and beyond by living for something greater than any one person, caring for the hurting and hopeless in our city and around the world, loving and serving our neighbors, and building strong families.
We only want you to be comfortable, so dress up or down. Most who regularly attend wear casual clothing.
When you arrive, you can expect a very hospitable environment. From the front door to the sanctuary, you'll be greeted warmly.
If you have kids, you can go to the kids check-in and check them into WFC Kids, where they will have a great time.
Be sure to grab a free hot cup of coffee and head into the sanctuary for service to begin promptly.
Westside Family Church is an engaging, dynamic atmosphere geared towards ministering to your entire family. A live band leads worship and Lead Teaching pator, Randy Frazee, presents a Jesus-centered message. The entire gathering lasts just under 1 hour.
Westside Anywhere gatherings create easy ways to connect through chat with others around the world—right from your phone, laptop, or TV! We have intentional moments for you to engage with the message with online-exclusive Q&A sessions and encouragement throughout the week.
If you haven’t already, take the first step and simply join us for a gathering.
Attend a Sunday Gathering, followed by Westside in 4 in the commons to learn more Westside. You’ll learn four things about Westside and receive information about our all the ministries and community opportunities we offer.
At Westside, we love kids! From infants to elementary age, we do our best to help your children have a blast while learning that Jesus wants to be their friend. We have created a fun and safe environment for them. You can make checking your kids in fast by pre-registering them!
We want to make sure kids who worship with their families online don't miss any of the fun content and activities! We’ve created engaging media with fast-paced worship, activities, and relatable video teachings for both your kids and students.