1st Wednesday Prayer Gathering

We are experiencing a unique reawakening to profound reality of God’s unconditional love. Connecting with the truth that God loved us first, and that his love always pursues us, has led to Westside’s 1st Love awakening.

Connecting to God in a relationship has always been central to Westside’s mission, and prayer is central to this authentic connection.

Westside’s 1st Wednesday Prayer Gathering is an expression of Westside’s desire to seek a deeper personal relationship with God. Westside’s monthly prayer gathering is anchored in scriptures that teach that: God wants us to pray; God hears our prayer; God answers prayer, and prayer draws us closer to God. Over the few past months, participants have learned fresh ways to connect with God’s heart through prayer, have experienced God’s love in prayer, and have honored God by expressing deep gratitude for his love.

Westside’s monthly 45-minute prayer gatherings follow the Bible’s teaching on prayer, utilize Jesus’ model for God-honoring prayer, and enlist a variety of prayer topics and methods to encourage a more fruitful prayer life. Everyone is welcome to participate in Westside’s 1st Wednesday Prayer Gatherings, from 6:30-8pm, to learn more about connecting with God through a deeper prayer life.


Written Values Create Culture | Family Ministry


Kids raid the piggy bank = homes are built in Nicaragua.