Where Do Gentiles Stand with God? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

“Dear Lord, your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We take this journey together, down the Romans Road, knowing the destination is You. In Jesus Name, Amen” 


Paul is going to first address this question to the person who did not grow up in a religious home. (1:18-20)

Paul is saying that even though we can’t see God, evidence of his existence is so clear in creation alone that all people are without excuse. 

Arguments for the existence of God, apart from the Bible:

  • Creation – (Cosmological) The world around us is an “effect” that requires an adequate “cause”. The “uncaused cause.” Nature cannot originate itself. For something to create itself, it must exist and not exist at the same time.  

  • Organization – (Teleological) The purpose, order and design we observe in the world calls for a designer.  

  • Man – (Anthropological) It is one thing to create a living organism, but we possess intellect, emotions, a self-awareness, the ability to create and a sense of right and wrong. Evolution apart of God could not have produced a soul, the spirit. It is more logical and takes less faith to conclude God did this than chance. 

  • Being – (Ontological) The fact that we have an idea of a most perfect being proves that he exists.  


If the existence of God is so clear, why do so many people deny his existence? Paul said it is not a matter of evidence but a spiritual matter of the soul.  


  • We suppress the truth because we don’t, in our sinful nature, like to submit to anyone, but live life like we see it – we want to do it our way. (1:24-32)


God Suppressants  


Three Decisions:

  1. I acknowledge that God exist, and I am not him.  Yes No   (circle one) 

  2. Because he exists, I must submit my life to him whether he is good or not.  Yes No (circle one) 

  3. I pray he is a good God.   Yes No (circle one) 


Going Deeper: 

  1. Which of the four arguments for the existence of God makes the most amount of sense to you? Is there something else, apart from the Bible, that confirms for you there is a God? 

  2. What do you think about “gossip” and “slander” being in the same list of God suppressants as homosexual acts and murder? How does engaging in these activities suppress the truth about God? 

  3. Share your answer of the three decisions with your group.


Where Do Jews Stand With God? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee


Where Does This Journey End? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee