How Do I Become a Christian? | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee

Mile Marker 1: Where do I stand with God (Romans 1:18-3:20) 

  • Absolutely no one has a right standing before God because of the junk we carry in our bags.  

  • Step 1: Repent – Do a U-Turn and acknowledge before God that you are guilty. 


Mile Marker 2: How do I become a Christian? (Romans 3:21-5:21) 

  • Step 2: Place your faith in Jesus (3:22) 

  • Mind the Gap (3:23) 

  • Justified = Declared right with God (3:24a) 

  • Redemption = Payment to win our release (3:24b) 

  • Substitutionary Atonement = Sufficient payment made by another. (3:25) 

Going Deeper 

  1. Mind the Gap: There is a gap in the Romans Road as wide as the Grand Canyon. No one can, by themselves, can get across it to the other side where a relationship with God resides. Do you see or feel the reality of the gap in your own life? What emotions does it stir up in you? 

  2. Share your story of when you “placed your faith in Jesus.” If you are not there yet, share where you are on the journey and what is holding you back from making this decision. 

  3. Which of the three words speaks the most to you of what Jesus did for us all?  

  4. Justified (Legal) 

  5. Redemption (Slavery) 

  6. Substitutionary Atonement (Sacrifice of another) 


How Do I Become a Christian? The Outcome | The Romans Road | Randy Frazee


Where Do We All Stand With God? | The Romans Road | Jason Morris