Global Impact Sunday | Jason Morris
Westside’s Impact Globally is done through 3 major wholistic and synergistic movements of Jesus’ Kingdom:
1. Orphan Care
Pray for immune-compromised kids
Pray for immune-compromised Caregivers
Pray for Kids in abusive situations
Pray for their protection when given food and supplies
2. Community Development - Isaiah 58:6-9; 2 Timothy 1:7
Pray there is enough food for the villages
Pray that the food will open doors for the gospel
Pray that there is an awakened sense of community from micro-business development
Pray the micro-businesses pivot and prosper during this time
3. Church Planting - Luke 4:16-21
Pray for day laborer bi-vocational pastors.
Pray that the food that’s shared will create gospel conversations.
Pray that Jesus’ Church would thrive in this time of crisis as people sense their need for God’s protection.
Pray that we would believe in Jesus more than the situation.
Jesus’ plan was wholistic from the start.
They all work together to change the world, and to change YOU.
It builds a resilience in your soul when you understand that Jesus is really all you need.
Here’s how you can be a world changer:
a vulnerable child to change a life
a project to make a difference
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17
Going Deeper:
How would you describe Jesus as a world changer?
Read Luke 4:16-21
How can this passage be read through the lens of:
Orphan Care
Community Development
Church Planting
Jesus was quoting Isaiah in the previous passage, here’s another Isaiah passage. Read Isaiah 58:6-9
How can this passage be read through the lens of:
Orphan Care
Community Development
Church Planting
Read Matthew 25:21-40
How can this passage be read through the lens of:
Orphan Care
Community Development
Church Planting
Describe Jesus’ connection to the way He feels with the way we treat others?
Read 2 Timothy 1:7
What emotions/motivations are listed in 2 Timothy 1:7?
What are the typical and perhaps normal obstacles against becoming a world changer?
What is Jesus telling you? What are you going to do about it?