Crowded Loneliness | Margin KC | Randy Frazee

The Problem: Crowded Loneliness

  • The average suburban family manages 35 separate worlds

  • Linear Friendships - The people in one world, don’t know the people in the other worlds.

  • Commuting: For every 10 minutes you spend in an automobile, you reduce your available social capital by 10%.

An American Disease - Crowded Loneliness

The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Genesis 2:18

The Solution: Trading Lines for a Circle

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15 ESV

  • Get more people into your circle who not only know you but know each other.

  • Draw a one-mile radius around your house and do as much living in that circle as you can

  • Get into or form a small group with fellow Christians who live within this radius.

  • Eliminate a few circles

  • Trade events for more walks & time on the front porch

Discussion Questions:

1. What does a life of real simplicity mean to you? If you were to become successful at simplifying your life, what would you be doing – and maybe more importantly, what wouldn’t you be doing?

2. Discuss the difference between “loneliness” and “crowded loneliness.” Which of these do you have a tendency to struggle with more?

3. Look at the drawing you made of your relational worlds. Are your separate relational worlds keeping you from deeper, more satisfying relationships? What steps can you take to address this?

4. Identify one personal action step you can take toward adopting a life of real simplicity.


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