The Least of These | Community Impact Generosity Story

Your generosity fuels all of Westside's efforts to make disciples, equip families and share Christ's love

here and around the world.

Then the king will say to those on his right.

Come you who are blessed by my father.

Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For I was hungry and you gave me food.

I was thirsty and you gave me drink.

I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

I was naked and you clothed me.

I was sick and you visited me.

I was in prison and you came to me.

Then the righteous will answer him saying.

Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink?

And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you or naked and clothe you?

And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?

And then the king will answer them. Truly, I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these, my

brothers, you did it to me.

Your generous giving enables Westside to maximize our impact for the Kingdom of God throughout

Kansas City.

When we serve the hungry.

The stranger.

The sick.

The prisoner.

The most vulnerable among us, we serve Jesus.

I got involved in the human trafficking ministry at Westside when God gave me the burden to reach the

women and the children in the Kansas City area.

I see Jesus in the transformed lives of the believers here at Lansing. The joy that they exhibit, despite

their circumstances is remarkable. It can't be anything other than the work of the Holy Spirit in their


I love how Westside partners with schools. We're able to serve so many families in our own backyard

and we give support to teachers and resources that they desperately need. When schools and churches

partner together, that's what excites me the most. Seeing Jesus work in that way in this community.

I see Jesus at Avenue of Life and how they work with the homeless population to break the cycle of

poverty. The model Avenue of Life uses in their programs has reduced homelessness in the Kansas City,

Kansas, School District 500 by 60% or more. That model is being duplicated in other cities and other

programs because of what they do here. And that makes me so proud to be a part.

We wanted to adopt when we realized that we were adopted into God's family, chosen and loved by

Him, and we wanted to provide that for kids in a practical way. I love how easy Westside makes it to see

and then get involved in the foster and adoption care ministry.

Where do you see Jesus?

Where do you see Jesus?

Where do you see Jesus?

You helped make these blessings possible through your faithful giving. Thank you.


Tara's SHAPE Story


Global Impact | Pastor 'D'