Good Question

Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read John 1

  1. In verses 1 through 18, what is the author trying to establish about John the Baptist and Jesus?

  2. In the next section through verse 34, how is John defining his role? What is his posture towards Jesus?

  3. Having all of this as a precursor, how does that change the way you read Jesus’ question for the two disciples following him in verse 38? How do you think they received that question? 

  4. In the final section of this chapter, Jesus starts calling disciples to follow him. What did they acknowledge in following him? What did they say about him? How should that inform you and I as we follow Jesus today?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 2

Read John 6

  1. How does Jesus set up the feeding of the 5000? What question does he ask?

  2. Verses 16 through 25 the crowds are in search of Jesus. After having experienced the miraculous feeding, what do you suppose is motivating them? If you had been there what would you be thinking about Jesus?

  3. Describe the parallel between manna in the desert and Jesus as the bread of life. What are the commonalities? What are the differences?

  4. In the last section, verses 60 through 71, Jesus asks a question. What is the question? Why does he ask it? What is the response?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 3

Read Mark 10:13-52

  1. What do we learn from children as Jesus teaches us at the beginning of this passage?

  2. What question does Jesus ask the rich young men in the next section? Why that question? What point is Jesus trying to make?

  3. And verses 35 through 45, what are the two questions Jesus asks? What conclusion is he leading them to?  

  4. In the final section of this chapter what is the pivotal question that Jesus asked? Why does Jesus ask that question? Is he asking that question of you and I today?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday


Anger: Calming the Storm Within


Summer at the Movies