Anger: Calming the Storm Within

Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read James 1

  1. The book of James is considered by many to be the New Testament version of Proverbs. It is practical advice given to us by Jesus’ own brother. We will focus primarily on verses 19 through 27.

  2. What association is JAMES making? Between human anger and morality? How do we “humbly accept the word” that saves?

  3. Can you imagine looking in the mirror after you wake up in the morning and doing nothing about what you see? Why is someone blessed by obeying what they have heard from the word? Why is that challenging for us? 

  4. In this section of scripture, how is control of your speech related to dealing with your own anger? How do we learn to control our tongues? What are some practical steps?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 2

Read James 4

  1. What are the buttons in your own life that cause you to be angry and argumentative? Are there some particular areas that trigger you when stepped on? 

  2. How would you relate those sensitive areas to the first three verses in this chapter? Is it descriptive of your experience? How? 

  3. Verses 4 to 10 speak to humility before God. According to these verses, how does one pursue humility? Why is that important? What happens if we don't?

  4. In verses 13 through 17, how does James encourage us to view our ambitions and plans? What is the perspective he wants us to embrace? Give an example in your own life of a goal or ambition, that could benefit from this perspective.

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday


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