Westside Women

 Stay up to date with Women's Ministry!

Upcoming Events


LifeStudies are content-focused, classroom-type gatherings often held on a Westside campus, providing biblical truth with an emphasis on life application.

Click 'Find a Lifestudy' below and type Lifestudy in the search bar (or click refine by, select type, select Lifestudy).

God designed us to be in community with others! Our A2 groups are all about people engaging in loving, becoming like and sharing Jesus together!

To find a women focused A2 group click 'Find a Group' below and put women in the search bar!

Women-Focused A2 Groups

Moms Together

Moms Together is designed for moms to build community with one another and share the real-life, day-to-day experiences that we all face.

Moms Together gathers in four different ways. Each option gathers 2x/month and various other ways to stay connected regularly. We offer two in-person options at WFC Lenexa & WFC Speedway. There is an online option that gathers virtually, and MT @ Home are small groups that gather in host homes. Choose the option that fits you best!

Jump in anytime! Click below to learn more & register.

Serve at Westside

We have all kinds of ways that you can get plugged in and serve! 

Have a Question?

If there is anything we can do for you, or if you need someone to partner in prayer with you, please let us know. We would love to hear from you!

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