Parent Dedication


Parent Dedication is a special time to honor God and His blessings. This is a time set aside for parents to focus on the privilege of parenting a child’s heart. It’s a time when parents present themselves, their parenting, and their child to the Lord. Family and/or friends, as well as others from the church, surround them, and together they commit to raising their child under God’s guidance and love.  

Parents frequently ask us about the process of having their children baptized. We love that engaged parents are seeking what’s best for their kids physically, developmentally, and spiritually. However, we do not baptize infants at Westside. Essentially, we believe that baptism is the action a person takes after becoming a Christ Follower. We see this many times in scripture as people believed in Jesus Christ and were subsequently baptized. 


We have made it simple to participate in Parent Dedication. 

First step: Register & Attend a Parent Dedication Dinner (this is required)

Next step: Invite family, friends, and anyone who will be an influence in your family’s life.

Last step: Attend an in-service celebration & recognition of your commitment.

We host Parent Dedication services each year to accommodate most schedules.