Sunday, July 9th | Commons of WFC Lenexa or WFC Speedway
The high cost of food has put tremendous pressure on area food pantries like our community partner, Avenue of Life, which is experiencing a spike in requests for assistance. Help Westside wrap our family around people in need as we help re-stock the food pantry shelves.
Stop by the Impact map to pick up a bag and a shopping list. Return the filled bag on Sunday, July 9, 2023.
Additionally, if you'd like to help sort food Sunday morning, July 9, sign up today!
Food Items Needed:
Chili, Stew, Soup*
Canned veggies*
Instant oatmeal
Peanut butter & jelly
Saltine Crackers
Top Ramen noodles
Canned fruit* & applesauce
Pasta sauce/ pasta
Granola bars
Canned meat (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausage, etc.)*
Instant packages of pasta or rice
(Mac n cheese, Rice a Roni, red beans and rice, etc.)
*Pop tops on canned items are always preferred but not necessary