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Moms Together is a group of moms from all backgrounds gathering together to encourage, pray, do life with one another. Moms will enjoy either breakfast (AM groups) or snacks (PM group) while gathering together in table groups, listening to other moms share their stories or to a topical speaker, and participating in table discussion. Moms Together offers childcare for those who need it.
Moms Together Meeting Options:
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, starting September 13 | 6:15-8p | WFC Lenexa East Venue
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, starting September 14 | 9:15-11:15a | WFC Lenexa East Venue
1st and 3rd Mondays, starting September 19 | 9:15-11:15a | WFC Speedway Worship Center