Engage in art as a way to strengthen your family relationships.
No need to attend all 6 sessions, jump in anytime. Projects will include:
Jackson Pollock Inspired - Lean into the uncontrollable and see the beauty of working together to create something you couldn’t do on your own.
Gesture Drawing - Loosen your grip on perfection and let your creative side out.
Portraits - Look at the face of someone who loves you. Draw what you see.
Mixed-Media artwork - Step out of familiar and create something new from this unfamiliar media.
Upside-Down tree - Things are not always as they seem. Using this technique you will see something beautiful being created that you may not have recognized before.
Teacher Pick - We are better together - we will create a group project.
Mondays, 6:30p
Location: WFC Lenexa, Kids West
Leaders: Derek, Elise & Katie
Cost: $30 per family (covers the cost of supplies)