Community Partners
At Westside we provide meaningful opportunities for A2 communities, families and individuals to engage in the mission of Jesus. Our strategic partnerships are focused on our heart to care for the lost, hurting, and vulnerable, and share the love of Jesus.
To learn how you - or your A2 Community - can get involved with any of these opportunities!
Westside Family Church values life. One of the ministry partners we help through funding is the Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center, which provides pregnancy services and support from a pro-life perspective. The center offers health services and referrals as well as emotional and educational support for both women and men. Women in need of other resources, such as maternity clothing and infant/toddler items, or financial assistance, will also receive either direct help or referred help to meet their needs.
Avenue of Life is a multi-faceted local non-profit focused on the mission to end homelessness for families and children in Kansas City. Avenue of Life (AOL) has a fantastic record of accomplishment, helping people get out of homelessness and enter stability. At Westside, we have a heart for the most vulnerable and consider it a privilege to partner with AOL through financial assistance and church-wide, and A2 Group serve opportunities.
Westside Family Church offers multiple opportunities to serve AOL, including:
Food and resource drives
On-site volunteer opportunities (tutoring, teaching classes, and Bible Studies, sorting clothing and donations, and more)
Leading KidsGiG summer programs
Additionally, when people contact Westside to inquire about furniture and household goods donations, we direct them to Avenue of Life. All donated furniture in good condition is given to families getting out of homelessness. Mattresses that are unusable are taken to the recycling warehouse, which provides jobs for those in need and funding for the non-profit.
Brothers in Blue is a ministry that brings transformational hope to the incarcerated at Lansing prison. Volunteers may serve as Bible study leaders or mentors to men coming out of prison, helping them gain life skills and spiritual discipleship.
Freedom Farm is an equine ministry located in Bonner Springs that is focused on the love of Christ and bringing healing, hope, and love to others through horses. The ministry offers Gospel-centered programming such as Bible camps and other year-round offerings for children, teens, and their families.
Freedom Farm offers weekly opportunities for individuals or A2 Communities who desire to serve together to help at the farm. Westside also offers all-church “serve day” opportunities at Freedom Farm up to two times each year. Volunteers may help with building projects or general maintenance, repairs, and cleaning.
Providing transitional housing for homeless families, Hillcrest gives families the help they need to obtain and maintain a stable home through a series of life skills classes and counseling. Hillcrest has achieved a 96% success rate in helping families transition to safe, permanent housing.
More than 7,500 Kansas children require foster care. At Westside, we don't want any foster or adoptive parents to "go it alone." Joy Meadows is a new private neighborhood community of single-family foster homes for children in foster care. The neighborhood also has a community center where children can go for therapy and other services.
As Joy Meadows grows, Westside will continue to assist with funding and provide serve opportunities for Westsiders. A2 Communities with a heart for this ministry will have opportunities to wrap their families around a family of Joy Meadows, helping provide needs such as meals, home repairs/maintenance, yard work and lawn care, supplies, etc., as well as interacting with the entire family (playing games, having dinner together, etc.).
Through Mission Adelante we serve immigrants and refugees from dozens of countries, helping them in their resettlement in a variety of ways, including mentoring, ESL (English as a Standard Language) classes, entrepreneurship, kids’ clubs, and teenage leadership development.
The RPOR Drop-In Center opened in late 2020 as a place of refuge for victims of human trafficking. The facility offers a “no-judgment zone” of hospitality and helps women coming in off the street. Aligning with Westside’s heart for the vulnerable in our city, the drop-in center offers an opportunity for those with a heart to serve those caught our coming out of human trafficking. Volunteers may engage with women coming off the street by bringing food and meals or serving as a hostess on site (talking with the women, praying, or just playing games).
In addition to helping with ministry funding, Westside’s Next Steps team can help facilitate volunteers and A2 Communities who have an interest in serving.
Westside Family Church is part of a network of more than 300 churches in the Kansas City metro that actively engage to fulfill Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17). Together, the churches lead causal movements such as MARGIN KC and ONE KC, as well as collaborate to help with other city movements such as food and supply drives for local shelters.
HOUSE OF HOPE KANSAS CITY is a Christian-based nonprofit organization in the KC metro. Our mission is to be a guide in the healing process for teens, while also helping to pave the way in restoration of their family relationships. We offer both an affordable residential program of healing for teens, ages 13-17, as well as a Family Counseling Center for teen girls and boys and their families. We believe through our ministry, we can be God’s instruments in reclaiming the stories of teenagers from trauma to triumph.
We know you want to share the love of Jesus with others. But you don’t always know where to start or what to say. We believe that your everyday life is your mission field! It doesn’t have to be complicated. At Love KC, we provide training, tools and support to share your faith with confidence where you live, learn, work and play.
New Creation, Inc., is a faith based recovery community, helping adults to overcome substance abuse addictions through shared living, implementing best practices to help people through faith, education, and a fresh start.
We are a faith-based non-profit that provides housing, treatment, and lifelong sustainment services for women and children victims of human trafficking.
Unite KC
Fulfilling God's vision for unity in Kansas City through racial healing, collaboration, and justice. Born out of the conviction to fight evil with good, Unite KC focuses on taking action that prompts heart transformation, builds community and, ultimately, leads to racial healing.