Patsy Herndon's Baptism Testimony of Healing | Next Steps

To say Patsy Herndon has led a difficult life would be an understatement. Hardships beyond her control coupled with some poor life choices along could have left her a bitter, broken, and hopeless woman. One constant in her life, however, always brought her hope: God. Even when her 32-year-old son Chad was in his final days in his fight against brain cancer, he would remind her “Mom, if I wake up in the morning, it means God has more for me to do here.” On her hardest of days, she remembers those words.

In March 2020, Patsy was baptized at Westside’s first Worship + Pray event. What happened next in her life, she and her friends who were present can only describe as a miracle.

A little background on Patsy to help as you read this story: in 2014, Patsy was stuck in an abusive relationship. When she suffered a stroke, that man refused medical care for her for two days. For nearly 5 months, the stroke rendered her unable to speak. When her verbal abilities finally did return, they were marked by a significant stutter—especially under excitement or stressful situations. Not long after that, Patsy remembers going out to her garage to pray. She felt trapped and didn’t know what to do, so she asked God for rescue. The following day, a SWAT team showed up at her house to arrest her husband for possession of child pornography.

Patsy eventually moved to Lansing, Kansas where a relative encouraged her to visit Westside Leavenworth to find some community. At Westside, a group of women wrapped their arms around her, welcoming her into their A2 Community.

When God steps in, your life changes. – Patsy Herndon.

“Hello ladies,” Shirley Painton typed into the text thread. “I know we are supposed to meet up at the Orchard for our small group Wednesday night, but Westside Lenexa is hosting a Worship + Pray night and I think we should go.”

One by one the messages came back.

“Oh Shirley, it really sounds like a great time, but I honestly don’t know if I want to drive all the way down to Lenexa,” one of the women responded.

Shirley stared at the text.

“I completely understand…” Shirley began, “but if there is any way I can change your mind…I just can’t shake the feeling deep in my spirit that this is going to be an important night in Patsy’s life. Who knows, perhaps she will choose baptism.”

That message was all that needed to be said. One by one, the ladies confirmed their plan to attend, and pray for Patsy.

Wednesday arrived and several ladies, including Patsy Herndon, piled into Shirley’s car to make the 30-minute drive down to Lenexa. Along the way, they shared updates and stories, and talked about the virus was sweeping the country, wondering what the future held; but beyond all of that, excitement buzzed. This was Patsy’s night, and without anything being said, they all knew it.

Upon arrival at the church, Shirley carefully helped Patsy out of the car, placing her walker in front of her. Slowly, they made their way into the church. “I want to sit in the very front,” Patsy announced to the group.

“Of course, you do,” giggled one of the ladies as they carefully made their way through the crowd of people and found some seats in the front row, right next to Rozanne Frazee.

“You’re Rozanne!” Patsy’s exclamation was immediately met with a warm smile.

“Yes, I am, and you are?”

“I’m Patsy. We came down from Lansing tonight—this is my small group.”

The group exchanged greetings and suddenly the lights dimmed and musical guest, Mack Brock, took to the stage.

“Come on, we’re just gonna dive right in. Can we sing this out?” Brock began playing his guitar.

“Lift this up!

He’s coming on the clouds,

Kings and kingdoms will bow down.

And every chain will break

as broken hearts declare his praise….”

Patsy and her friends began singing and clapping in rhythm.

Our God who comes to save

is here to set the captives free…

who can stop the Lord Almighty.

Patsy sang along with every fiber of her being until she couldn’t.

The music continued for the next 15 minutes and Becca Alvord took the stage leading the audience in a prayer of adoration.

Patsy’s heart felt overwhelmed.

“Thank you for being a God who doesn’t give up on us and that we can praise every single day and it would still never be enough...” Becca prayed and then encouraged the audience in their own time of reflection and prayer.

Patsy sat down.

After a pause, Becca began to share from her heart. “I want to invite you for the rest of the night, open your hearts, open your sprit to what God would say to you and I promise you, you will discover how good of a God he is…. And you know something? We have over 50 people who have already let us know they are ready to say how good God is through baptism! That’s a HUGE DEAL! I’m so excited for this!”

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause.

Moments later, Becca left the stage. All over the sanctuary lines began to form for baptisms that were displayed on the screen. Brock began singing again.

Are you hurting and broken within? Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin? Jesus is calling Have you come to the end of yourself Do you thirst for a drink from the well? Jesus is calling

O come to the altar The Father's arms are open wide Forgiveness was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ

Leave behind your regrets and mistakes Come today, there's no reason to wait Jesus is calling Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy From the ashes, a new life is born Jesus is calling (oh, oh)

Leaning over to Patsy, Shirley grabbed her arm. “Do you think want to get baptized tonight?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how I could possibly do that with my walker,” Patsy responded. “I also didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

“Patsy, if you want to get baptized, your sisters are here, and we’ll help you do it!” With that, Shirley reached over and grabbed Rozanne’s arm, knowing she could help.

Rozanne led the ladies out into the hallway to a group of deacons who helped Patsy find a change of clothes and promised to help her navigate the baptismal stairs.

Patsy had never felt surer of a decision in her life. She knew God was asking this of her, and she was determined to walk in obedience to that call.

Back in the sanctuary, Patsy got in line with her friends by her side. Finally, it was her turn. Becca Alvord, who was standing next to the tank with Brad Norman greeted Patsy with a huge smile and, asked her if she’d like her friends to baptize her.

“They can do that?”

“Yes, absolutely!”

Shirley was so excited to be involved in such a special way. As the deacons helped Patsy into the baptismal, Shirley gathered the other ladies around the water and explained that Patsy wanted them to baptize her.

Reaching out, one by one, they grabbed Patsy’s hands. Patsy savored every moment, looking at each friend—these were the ladies who had brought her unspeakable acceptance and love and who had carried her through difficult times through prayer. To have them involved in her baptism was meaningful beyond words.

Music continued to fill the room as Patsy readied her heart.

And You are Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness, my God That is who You are

And then, she heard the treasured words:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we baptize you Patsy Herndon.”

Holding tightly to the hands of her friends, Patsy went under the water.

She felt the cool water rush over her body and then fall away as she came back up. She couldn’t keep her words to herself.

“I don’t know how to explain it! I feel so clean!” Turning to Shirley, Patsy declared “I feel like God has completely washed me of everything in my past!”

The ladies took Patsy to the bathroom to change.

While they were in the bathroom, Pastor Randy took to the stage again and prayed over the group who had gathered.

“Father, These your people have cried out to you, Abba Father. These your people have beseeched you. These your people have shared with you they are in pain, stuck between a rock and a hard place…You are a good, good Father, and we lift our hands to you because we know that you are good.”

The room was silent as Randy continued to pray and declare God’s goodness.

“I promise you on the basis of the very character of God that he is in the process of answering your prayer right now. For some of you it will actually be a healing. Do you believe God heals? And it will be before the day is out. For some of you it won’t be today, because a good, good Father knows that there is a good, good plan unfolding. And when it actually happens you will see it. So it may not be today, but I promise you he has heard you.”

By the time Patsy and the other ladies emerged from the restroom, the Worship + Pray event was ending, so they decided to sit in the café and visit. Patsy could not stop talking about the baptism experience.

Her friends stared in amazement. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Finally, Patsy stopped.


“Patsy! Did you notice? You aren’t stuttering,” Shirley finally piped up.

Patsy turned and looked at all of her friends.

“It’s true, Patsy,” one of them affirmed.

“Oh my goodness, you’re right! Praise God!! I’ve just received a miracle!”

Since that day in March, 2020, Patsy says another miracle happened in her life that took a little longer for her to recognize. She no longer lives in fear.

“Even earlier this year when I received a diagnosis that I have pulmonary fibrosis, I didn’t panic! Now why would that be? I used to be a worrier, but I’ve learned to pray. I always thought I was a big Christian, but I never truly had peace…until I was baptized March 11, 2020.”

More than 2 years later, Patsy still does not stutter. She is confined to her small home in Lansing where she receives palliative hospice care. She knows her time on earth is extremely limited but says she doesn’t worry because she knows she will meet Jesus—and when she does, she will be completely healed of every wound and infirmity!

While some might judge a home-bound life as fruitless, Patsy would strongly disagree! Her days are spent in prayer for whoever asks, organizing and crocheting gifts for seniors living in a nearby retirement home, and teaching crochet to girls in her community.


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