Duncan Family Generosity Story

- I can't even imagine truly what my life would have been like without network 1.27 and how Jen and everyone just walked alongside of us through times that we had no idea what lie ahead. And without that, I cannot truly even imagine what we would have done, because it is such a difficult journey with so many unknowns. And, but when you have people that care about you and that you know, are praying for you and that show up to celebrate with you on adoption day, there's just nothing like that. And I'm so grateful for the mission that Westside has of supporting foster and adoptive families. Oh my goodness. It's been a rough year. It has been challenging, Tom, I wish he could have been here today.

- We do.

- He had a stroke in the spring and that took us by surprise as you can imagine. He is such a fighter and fought back and was determined that he was gonna stay moving and he did. And then about a couple of weeks later, I ended up in the hospital with some issues and that were kind of scary, but then we pressed on and then COVID came to visit our family. Tom got sick first and about 24 hours later, Maddie and I got sick and Tom was very, it was very frightening. He lost over 30 pounds. It was very frightening and I was really fearful for how that was gonna turn out, but God was so good. And my Westside family showed up. I normally like to kind of surprise them with new adventures. And so, sometimes I wait till we're on route but this time I decided to tell him the night before. This weekend was just, it was just time to connect in a very safe place. I can't remember truly the last time that I had the chance to go somewhere, not just for them but for me as well. And I wanna personally just thank Westside for walking with us through our journey these numerous years. And still walking with us even now and providing such a wonderful amazing time that we have with our family. Thank you Westside.


Crisis at the Border | Global and Community Impact


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