Love Math

Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read Matthew 3

  1. In this passage, we see the transition of focus from John the Baptist to Jesus. Jesus is baptized as an example of obedience and a new framework for the kingdom of God.

  2. How does John's baptism point the way to Jesus?

  3. Why is Jesus baptized himself?

  4. How do you see the Trinity in this passage?

  5. What does this say to you and I about the importance of baptism?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 2

Read John 13

  1. How does Jesus exhibit friendship to his disciples in this passage?

  2. What is the identifying mark of his disciples?

  3. What, then, is the mark of Christian maturity? What are 5 practical ways we can grow?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 3

Read Genesis 1

  1. Why does God make mankind, according to this chapter?

  2. What do you think? "in His image" means?

  3. What is God's mandate to the man and woman?

  4. How does this impact your view of marriage?

  5. How are humans to be in relationship with creation? What does that look like for us today?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 4

Read 1 Corinthians 7

  1. The apostle Paul has some strong things to say about marriage and singleness in this chapter. What are some reasons why one might remain single?

  2. What are some reasons why one should seek marriage?

  3. Should a person who is a believer date someone who is not a believer? Why or why not?

  4. What is Paul saying about the complexity of marriage and the way one lives towards Christ?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 5

Read Romans 12

  1. In relationships, single or married, what are the patterns of this world Paul might be referring to? How do we renew our minds towards a Christ-honoring pattern?

  2. What are we to do differently when it comes to single and married relationships compared to the patterns of the world?

  3. What are five characteristics from this chapter that describe Christ-honoring relationships?

  4. Why do Christians need one another? How is that important?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday


Advent 2024


The Joy Challenge