God's Word, We Live and Die by It

Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read Genesis 1-2:2

  1. What relationship do you see between the first three days of creation and the last three days?

  2. In the first chapter, how many times do you see the phrase, "it was good?" What is the significance of that? What does that say about God's personality?

  3. On the sixth day, God creates mankind. What is different about mankind from everything else God created?

  4. What is God's mandate to humankind? Describe it in your own words.

  5. What happens on the seventh day? What does that say to you and me?

Week 2

Read John 1

  1. What are the parallels between John 1:1-5 and Genesis 1:1-5? What does that say about Jesus?

  2. What is John, the gospel's author, saying about his experience with Jesus?

  3. What is John the Baptist's relationship with Jesus?

  4. Who are the "children of God" from this chapter?

  5. From this chapter, how does Jesus start gathering his first disciples?

Week 3

Read Matthew 27:32- 28:1-20

  1. In 28:38-43, what are the markers challenging Jesus to do? Why doesn't he? What would've happened if he did?

  2. If you have a reference Bible, what is Jesus quoting in verse 46?

  3. In verse 54, why does John record what the Roman Centurion says? Why is that significant?

  4. What do the angel and Jesus say to the women after the resurrection? Why?

  5. From 28:17, we find that some worshiped him, and some doubted. What does that say about you and me? What does Jesus proclaim to that group of people?

Week 4

Read Revelation 21 - 22:1-5

  1. How do the conditions for humanity change? To whom is this available?

  2. What does this passage say about "the nations?"

  3. Who is the lamb? How is the lamb described? Who is the bride? How is the bride described?

  4. What is your biggest takeaway from this passage? How does it make you feel? How does it make you view your life right now?

  5. What does this passage say about God beyond what we have already discussed?


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