Christmas at the Movies

Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read Colossians 3

  1. Colossians chapter 3 says so much about interpersonal dynamics between Christ followers in the world, each other, and even within the family. What one verse in this chapter summarizes the heart behind the whole?

  2. How does Paul characterize life before Christ with life in Christ?

  3. What are some ways this chapter instructs us to, "set your minds on things above, not an earthly things?"

  4. What are three words you would used to describe the interpersonal dynamics in verses 18 through 22?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 2

Read Luke 2

  1. Luke chapter 2 gives us the original, history-changing Christmas story. What is the overall emotion of this chapter? What is the author, Dr. Luke, primarily trying to tell us?

  2. Why do you think it is important that some of the first witnesses to Jesus’ birth are shepherds?

  3. What is Simeon's main message to us?

  4. What is Anna's message to us?

  5. What is the connection between Jesus and the temple in this chapter?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 3

Read Ephesians 6

  1. Let's look at this chapter through the lens of how we speak to one another. How many references to speech do you see?

  2. What are three characteristics of the speech Paul is encouraging in this chapter?

  3. What are the old patterns of speech to those in the world? How are we to replace those patterns?

  4. If we speak to one another the way, this chapter describes, what will be the outcome? How would people outside of our faith community describe us?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday




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