3 yrs. - Kindergarten
Your little one has a great capacity to know God’s love through Bible stories and age-level lessons, and guided play.
Check in your child at a kiosk or the New Family Welcome desk. Please place one label on your child, give one label to the leader in the classroom and keep the three digit label to claim your child.
If your child has allergies, please place an “Allergy Alert: sticker on your child.
You can drop off your child, giving the teacher any special instructions. If you need it, you will be paged using the last four digits of your phone number displayed on the boards in the Worship Center.
We’ve learned the best preschool goodbyes are brief, and separation becomes easier over time. Our leaders will engage your child in fun activities, but we will page you if your child cries for an extended time.
Your child will be encouraged to engage in fun activities related to the bible story for that week. Threes, Fours, and Fives will gather in our Large Group Space 10 minutes into their service hour to participate in fun and interactive corporate worship. They will also watch a live skit and hear an exciting Bible story. More fun activities are planned for the remainder of their classroom time, from where they will be picked up after the adult worship service.
To pick up your child, you can just present your matching security sticker to the teacher, and your child will be released to you. If you lose your label, you can return to the Early Childhood Checkin desk to have it reprinted. Our security is paramount, and we will not release preschoolers to anyone without the proper matching label. Don’t forget to take all your belongings.
A monthly Parent Cue is available outside each classroom. These informational sheets provide cues about what children have learned in class, activities they may have been involved in, and ideas of how you can continue your child’s teaching at home.
To keep our kids healthy, we thank you for not checking in a child with a severe runny nose, fresh cold (four days or less), fever, undiagnosed rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other signs of illness.
The safety and care of kids and families is our #1 priority and we ensure that they are clean and safe. There is cleaning and sanitizing process in our Kids Ministry spaces after Sunday services with an effective and safe cleaner.